Grandmother/Granddaughter Tea Party!!!

Yesterday….I performed music at the annual Grandmother/Granddaughter Tea Party that my dear friend, Sandy Youman, throws at her house!
It is so PRECIOUS (sorry to use that word, but if it ain’t a precious idea, I don’t know what is!)

This was my fourth year to do it…so I’m growing up with all these girls and their grandmas…and let me just reiterate…it is a BLAST!

Last year, after that tea party, I suggested to Sandy a two day creativity camp here at my house for the girls, so we could make surprises for all the grandmas to give them at THIS year’s Valentine soiree…

So it happened! I had about 8 girls over to the house last June…taught them recipes of creations we could serve the grandmas, had each girl paint a portrait of their grandmother (from photos I had asked the grandmas to submit ahead of time). I helped the girls write a Valentine song (affectionately dubbed the “Grandma Tea Song”, or “Doot Doo doo”), made special letters of love we mailed back then…The girls helped create their lunches both days, too, that would bake while we were working on our gifts, and then we would all sit, family style, around the kitchen table and eat together, laughing and telling stories.

Zoom ahead to 8 months later:

The girls regrouped here Sunday, ate popcorn, watched the video I shot of them here at the camp last summer, to re-learn the song to sing at yesterday’s party. It was a hoot listening to those girls laugh at themselves while watching themselves on tape! We relearned the song (and their dance moves!) and then performed it yesterday!
We also made the food creations in preparation for the party (see below to read what they made)

I asked Sandy make a special gallery space for all the girls’ paintings, so we sent the Grandmas into the Grandma Gallery for viewing their surprise portraits!

We handed out valentines we made on Sunday, and I wrote a grandma pledge for the girls to repeat out loud after me to their grandmas while putting candy bracelets on their wrists!

Lots of love and cookies and tea in little antique cups with saucers. The girls served their creations from camp:

Bunny pear salad…a pear halve with cottage cheese tail, raisin eyes, red hot nose and almond slice ears, placed gingerly on a leaf of lettuce
Pink mouse cupcakes….half a cupcake slathered in pink icing with chocolate chip eyes and nose, pasta whiskers, marshmellow ears and black licorice tail.

Everyone dressed up in taffeta and red and pink and hearts and lace with their shiny unscuffed church shoes and black patent – leather Mary Janes.
Like I said…precious!

One Comment “Grandmother/Granddaughter Tea Party!!!”

  • Happy to find you online. Only recently discovered your music and activism, both of which I applaud. Peace, – EJR

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