I Have To Laugh

Last Thursday: Played at the Buda Public Library outdoors at a pavillion. Tee-riffic!

Last Friday: Drove to Frisco and played Frisco Grooves….I was the kick-off performance and kick-off we did with a brilliant, multi-colored sunset, hundreds of families atop a grassy hill, a super sound system, and jumpin’ and jivin’ with my guitar keepin’ the beat! What a GREAT festival this is! Go out and enjoy this free music…next up is Bruce Robison, then Terri Hendrix, and Matt the Electrician. I think there is one more….but it escapes me at the moment. Every Friday (?)
I met SEVERAL angels, in particular, little Steffeni and Elena, too… I will post pix as soon as they come in.

Last Saturday: Drove home from Dallas area to Austin. Went on tv for the Children’s Miracle Network telethon with iolana and Lance. Lance held the “iolana” cards, everyone in the studio hollered out responses, and we had a rockin’ good time. iolana got to hold a $200,000 check and turn it over on behalf of the kids! Whoo!

Sunday: Flew back up to Dallas (after church) and hung out with J. Kendel and David at their zen and tranquil abode. Stopped by Whole Foods on the way to the house and ran into Police Officer Lance, a great man and wonderful friend, who just got married. He looks smart in his uniform, and I banged on his chest to feel the bullet proof vest. Another whoo!

Monday am: Up at 6 am, off to FOX 4 to be live on “Good Day Dallas!” with Tim and Megan. Lorrie Singer, who sings with me, happened to be in Dallas for another gig and graciously went to the station to sing with me…Awesome! And afterwards, we hung out with the crew and ate homemade fried chicken, grilled veggies and chocolate tortes and strawberry cakes. The chef comes on Mondays for a segment, so all the gang was saying, “Remember: Always get booked to perform on a MONDAY.” I took the hint and will return for fun and food. Thanks, Dana Rogers and Jim Miller for making this segment possible!

Got to play “Two Days Today” live from MOTHERLODE, but could not show the cover of “Motherlode” on the air. The censors said no. Hmm. Controversy over the cover. I see it coming.

Monday after show: Drove home with Lorrie and fell asleep in the car while she was pumping gas. I slept for ten minutes. It was delicious. I need to sleep more. Wow. Is it good. We had fun chatting and catching up on the drive. What a kind person she is!

Got home and caught up on some email, checked in on office duties, went swimming with the girls, and chilled with a DVD of Disney’s “Little House on the Prarie”, which is EXCELLENT. Really amazing work. Quality family production….Lily and io and i were having a girl night so Lance could get some “alone time”.
He went out with Todd and then went to see “X-Men”. He said “naaah” to “X-Men.” There is a head’s up warning for you.

I think tonight we are going to go see “Inconvenient Truth” with Lily. She has been talking politics, asking lots of questions about politics, and it has been very fulfilling talking with her about politics. io has a birthday party/sleepover she is going to …

Update on MOTHERLODE: finally got a copy of the FINISHED THING!!! and it is stunningly beautiful, if i may say so. (and i will!…because i am very overjoyed to hold it in my hands and say THIS IS DONE.)

Off to do a library show for children.


One Comment “I Have To Laugh”

  • a little controversy is a good thing……


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