Jammin’ Java

What an AWESOME place Jammin’ Java is…it reminded me of early Club Dada, in Dallas, when it was one long room and dark and cozy and people would sit and we would have an intimate night together of story and song. This was when I first started performing in Dallas, right out of college, and I was still incredibly shy. Anyhoo, the colors inside the JJ were subtle and classy: a single ray of light shining on me during the set(s), and the rest of the club so dark I couldn’t see a SOUL. So, maybe a little TOO dark. I liked when everyone turned on their cell phones to read the lyrics for “Later Than You Think” so they could sing along. That was so ROCK AND ROLL! I will definately come back and do a kids show AND an adult show next time. Thanks, too, to David and Jim and Curtis and my bro, Carlton, cuz afterwards we all went out to Amphora and had great conversation/chuckles over politics, movies, music, life coaching, and embarrassing moments.

FEBRUARY 14th…Ok, even though I live in Austin, it is a hard, hard nut to crack…so, if anyone is here and wants to come out to hear some lovin’ love songs, please come to Momo’s (above Katz’s Deli) and hear me and Kristin sing to you….8 pm show! How’s that…so romantic. I’ll dedicate a song to you and the love of your life/choice/dreams

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