
I was a speaker/performer at the RCB (Redirecting Children’s Behaviour) National Convention here in Austin. Oh, it was a marvelous time!

I was thinking about lists. I thought I’d make a list of things that interest me.
Here goes:

Things I’ll Definately Do Before I Die

Visit Bali
Meet a President
Learn how to ballroom dance with my husband
Return to Romania to help with the Tanner Romanian Mission
Speak better Spanish
Take another balloon ride with my dear friend, Kong
Make another cd
Hike the 100 mile trek on the trails in Germany
Perform in a play
Write a children’s book
Learn how to fly a small plane
Shave my head
Become a vegetarian (again…permanently!)
Become a minister
Visit a silence retreat
Teach at Omega Crossings (Austin)
Get a child psychology degree from UT or St. Edwards
Milk a cow with my kids on an organic farm
Visit Iraq, Palestine, Israel, Greece, Bosnia, Africa with a humanitarian
organization…I would love to be a Peace Corps volunteer after my children leave home
Drive around the U.S. with my family on a long summer vacation
Return to Brian Rumbaugh’s summer camp in California, Adventure’s Elite
Have a day with my friend, Robert Peters
Help defeat human slavery all over the world

Things I Might Do/I’d Like to Do Before I Die

Run for City Council/Be an ambassador for peace for Austin
Have a children’s tv show/radio show
Perform with Conspirare
Have Neil Young sing a duet on a cd with me
Write a computer program
Take an algebra class
Learn how to sew
Perform on David Letterman
Have a one woman show at a theatre in the round
Narrate a documentary
Learn to play banjo, violin or piano

Things I Will Definately NOT Do Before I Die

Learn how to scuba
Be in a hot dog eating contest
Swim with sharks (cage or no cage)
Get Botox
Run in a 26 mile marathon
Tour with Marilyn Manson or Insane Clown Posse

That’s all I can think of for now. I’m sure I’ll think of more!

One Comment “Lists…”

  • See below for English…just a challenge for that Spanish… grin

    Hola Sara,

    �C�mo usted es? �Por qu� no ESCAFANDRA AUTONOMA, el agua que esqu�a, ni nataci�n con tiburones? Si yo lo puedo obtener para hacer ese beneficio fuera aqu� en Florida del noroeste para Lo Mantiene Derecho el a�o pr�ximo, usted tendr� para traer su familia y por lo menos esn�rquel, el windsurf, y una cosa nueva que tenemos fuera aqu�, waveskiing. Es la clase de que quiere una tabla hawaiana que usted se sienta en y utiliza una raqueta de kayac.



    Hello Sara,

    How are you? Why no SCUBA, water skiing, or swimming with sharks? If I can get you to do that benefit out here in Northwest Florida for Keep It Straight next year, you are going to have to bring your family and at least snorkel, windsurf, and a new thing we have out here, waveskiing. It’s kind of like a surfboard that you sit on and use a kayak paddle.


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