Mama’s Money Savers on “Big Bird, Little Bird”

I put this on in the background while my boys were playing and they were actually watching it and stopped playing. I wasn’t sure if they would like it because it is not a cartoon or typical show, but rather it is a video of song videos bascially. It is like Baby Einstein but with the beautiful music of Sara Hickman and the videos are cute and fun! Now my boys are basically 2 and 3 years old and they liked it, but I think this would be especially nice for an infant as the music is perfect for them and the stuff on the screen definitely would be appealing. There are kids, babies, toys, and more that are displayed throughout the video.

Overall, I recommend this video for all ages kids, even if it is just for background music, it is nice. Also, if you tried Baby Einstein videos or something similar I highly recommend checking this one out as it will surprise you!


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