
I love having someone pick me up at the airport! Although it is nice knowing I can be self-sufficient, dragging around two guitars, a backpack AND a suitcase by myself (yes, my arm muscles are lovely!), the feeling of walking off of a plane and into the smiling face of someone eager to see you can’t be underestimated.

Yesterday, after getting up and ready at 4:45 a.m., I arrived in Seattle around
10:30 a.m. and met Greg, my host for the day. We found my guitars at the
baggage claim, and I was grateful to him for carrying both guitars (even though my arms were still lovely!)

Then, wow! I got to ride out to Kirkland, the city outside of Seattle, in a red Mercedes convertable! How cool is that? The guitars looked like giant black
coffins sticking up out of the demure back seat…as we glided through the city and then came to an abrupt halt to sit in the afternoon sun of traffic. But who cares! I was in a fancy little car! Whee!

After yummy Greek food for lunch, I saw Greg’s tikki God collection in his groovy
lounge room! He buys them on Ebay, so, naturally, I had to learn all about Ebay. That’s how I spent the early part of my afternoon before I crashed to take a forty five minute nap.

The show was a delight…outside, by a huge body of water, in a park with families spread out across picnic blankets and lawn chairs. I really enjoy doing family shows. Especially when we get to the HOKEY POKEY. I turn into the queen and everyone has to shake their bottom and pour tea into imaginary tea cups. Very silly!

After much hugging, and goodbyes to lots of children and a man named Paul with a pug (whose little leg was healing from a break…and the pug’s name was Bart!
Hilarious!), I was overjoyed to spend time on the way back to the airport with dear Shawna, her three month old baby, Cheyenne (cuuuuuuuute!) , and Shawna’s sweet friend, Sarah. I had to catch the red eye back to Austin so I woudn’t miss Lily’s dance recital today, so we grabbed some food and hit the road. We talked about child birth, nursing, and men.
A perfect ending to a perfect day.

2 Comments on “Seattle”

  • Tanya


    The night was perfection for the whole family! Hanna (7) and Aimee (4) were full of joy and dance and their mom was in nirvana singing along with Sara. I feel so spoiled having to drive only 20 minutes to see her *live*! Please come back soon! Pretty please?

  • Gene


    As someone who has had the pleasure of being that person waiting in the gate, allow me to reciprocate – I could feel the smile dawn on my face when you stepped out of security, the glee when you started singing with the baggage attendant, and the giggles talking in the car about celebrity dating habits. Just like meeting a relative at the airport. It’s one of the very best qualities you emanate: making everyone around you feel like family!

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