You Are Not Alone

You Are Not Alone
words/music by Sara Hickman
12:32 pm
Inspired by someone scratching the words “I know what it means” on the back of a bathroom door in Boston; it just touched me that that was all they had written… and there has been so much heartache within my home, my friend’s lives, and around the world… I wanted to take those words and turn them into something beautiful and, hopefully, inspiring.

I know what it means
To feel sad
And I know what it means
To feel lonely
I know what it means
To feel like you’re the only one
Who knows what it means to know

And I can see, I can see what’s happened
And I can see what’s coming down the road
I can see what I simply don’t believe
Because I believe you’re
Carrying a heavy load

But you are not alone
Standing in this crowd
You are not alone
When you need to cry out loud
In a world that feels like a broken home
More than anything I could want you to know
I know:
You are not alone

And I can hear all the breaking hearts
I can hear where the hissing lies like to live
I can hear the denial of that sweet, sweet kiss
And the moment when it feels
Like you can’t rise above any of this

But you are not alone
Standing in this crowd
You are not alone
When you need to cry out loud
In a world that feels like you don’t exist
There’s one thing I know and I promise you this
I know:
You are not alone

I remember when my sister used to talk to me
I remember when my brother cut my hand
I remember when I thought I’d reach my dreams
When I finally gave up I finally came to understand

That I am not alone
Standing in this crowd
I am not alone
When I need to cry out loud
In a world that seems like a broken home
More than anything I need to know
That I
I am not alone

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