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How To Make a Belinsky
by Sara Hickman

What you will need:
Frozen fruits
Protein powder
Measuring cup

Ok, here's how to make a Belinsky. First, you need to get some fruit.

I like to use bananas, blackberries, blueberries, strawberries, mangoes, peaches...I'm sure you have some favorites, too.

So, you take those fruits and you wash them well, then put them in plastic bags and stick them in the freezer until tomorrow morning.

When you get up tomorrow (or today, depending on when you are reading to this), ask your parents to help you MAKE A BELINSKY!

If they don't understand, just play them the Big Kid cd, and I will help them to understand.

So, you go into the kitchen, and you get some juice.

I like orange and apple juice. But did you ever notice at the grocery store that there are all kinds of juices your parents can buy? Like pear juice, or cranberry juice, or grapefruit juice. I think you can even buy lemon juice! Yes, it's true! The only juice I wouldn't try with this recipe is TOMATO!

....but if you want to try it, I guess you could, but I don't think it would taste very good.

Anyway, once you decide on juices, ask your parents if they would please pour some juice into a measuring cup so that you can pour the measuring cup full of juice into the blender (which they will already have gotten down if they heard the beginning of this recipe).

Then, get out those bags of fruit you put in the freezer yesterday, and put one frozen banana, some strawberries, blackberries, mangoes, peachesand whatever other fruit you like into the blender.

Don't put TOO much fruit or your BELINSKY will get too thick (although you can always add more juice to make it drinkable).

Add one scoop of protein powder (I like vanilla), and about 1/4 cup of yogurt.

Then with your parents help, put the top on the blender and zbbbzzzzz! start her up!

When all the ingredients look blended...voila! You have a BELINSKY!

...Pour this yummy concoction into your favorite cup and delicious.... :)

..and you can have your friends over for a sleepover sometime and treat them to pansnakes and BELINSKYS the next day!

They will thank you for being so cool - for serving such cool food. And they'll think your parents are cool, too - for not drinking up all the BELINSKYs !





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