Feeling Curvy!

Quick Rundown of Life through my blue eyes (with one brown spot):

Yesterday: Cleaned gutters with my husband. Used gutter glop as compost for my garden. Picked and washed enough lettuce for 3rd grade teachers luncheon. Went to Girl Scouts meeting, chattted with moms and participated in snack eating. Came home and packed up cd suitcase, got dressed and went to Curves for my Women’s Only concert. Started with a story and sang songs, told more stories, laughed and cried with about 55 women. Talked about Romania. Showed pictures. Cried some more, sang “Romania”, and ended the evening talking about sex and everyone laughing. We formed a giant circle and sang “I Wish You Well” and then we closed the evening with the Girl Scout Troop Song. The women were so generous!…I’ll be sending another $435 to Tanner Romania Mission.

This weekend: Have lunch with my friend, Wendy. Meet with my lawyer today about contracts with Mesa/Blue Moon for joint venture deal.
Drive to Dallas and stay with my dear friend, Cyndy, who is recovering from cancer surgery. (She is doing great!) Sing at an Easter Egg hunt concert tomorrow morning…Then, sing at Bend Studio tomorrow night. Hopefully, somewhere in the middle of the day, I can drive to Frisco, Tx to see my sweet Dianna Aston read her latest book at the Barnes & Noble. Sunday, I drive back home and help emcee the
Barton Hills “Music in the Park for the Arts” from 12-8…Sing some songs on a stage, too. Most likely make a paper crown at the crafts booth to send to my mother!

Snake update: Jeff Goldblum has shed his skin for the first time. He is very proud of himself. Swollen in lime green, he is. All puffed up and enjoying his new self. Can’t say that I blame him. He IS very handsome!

I have added a tiny gray, garden snake to Jeff’s domain that Pepper, our curious cat, captured this morning. Poor little snake has bite marks in his middle, but it doesn’t look too serious, so I hope he shall survive. I’m going to name her Bridget Bardot. That sounds happy.
Plus, she’s a big animal rights activist, so I think she’d like to know she has a snake named after her.

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