Women United (And A Wee Bit Tipsy!!!)

Everything was shining last night when I arrived at Margaret’s house for the women only house concert. Her studio was lit with candles, and the “throne”, an antique wooden bench with a high backboard and comfy, woven cushion to sit upon, was ready to host Kristin and me.

Margaret went beyond the call of duty as a hostess…she provided wine and amazing edibles via a caterer….and had chairs surrounding the throne in a circular pattern. Women started arriving around 8 pm, and by then, Kristin and I had warmed up in the bathroom with the beautiful sunken tub
and giant mirror. (Margaret’s place has lots of fung and shway!)

I would guess there were about 60 women in all, including the Vicker’s Moms, all the moms who hang out together from our kindegarten class last year…They were bubbly , and dressed up, and ready for adventure…Jenny, Kathy, Sharon (and her baby, Pico, who will be born end of the month), Sarah, Katherine, Kelly and Lori. I don’t know how I can express what an awesome group of women they are…each has such a strong, beautiful personality, loving personality…so you bring them all together, and mischief will ensue! Especially since it was such a relaxed atmosphere and the wine was a -flowin’!

So, Kristin and I sang songs about love and mothers and heartache. I brought photos of my trip to Romania, and talked about the children, and then passed out little slips of paper with the names of 7 different countries, and at the end of the song, “Romania”, women stood silently when their country’s name was called…By the end of the song, everyone was standing and saying a silent prayer on behalf of the people of the country they represented. The song complete, the last note left my lips and we all stood and absorbed the stillness, heads bowed in reverie.
It was one of the most moving momentsI have ever experienced. No one clapped. No one coughed. No one moved. Just the hope being sent out around the world…a group of women, willing the best for others they will never meet.

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